Intellectual Ouputs
IO 1. Methodological Guide for Educators for the curricular integration of non-formal learning activities.
The partnership will jointly prepare a Methodology Manual for Educators, a guide aimed at teachers, educators and other educational staff, that facilitates the curricular integration of non-formal participatory activities of learning in educational centers, as well as for the adoption of these measures in other inclusion settings.
The purpose of this tool is to help make decisions in moments of uncertainty in a situation of exclusion and develop and put into practice actions of methodical intervention to promote social inclusion. The Manual will include exemplary procedures discussed in various countries that will exemplify how to take into account the inclusive approach in all phases of a leisure project: design and advance planning; development and subsequent execution, and final evaluation. It will be an informative resource, short and simple, synthetic and clear, born to guide, direct and help professionals in the education and leisure, sports and free time that are beginning to implement pilot projects of inclusive activities in NFES and thus promote the inclusion of people with functional diversity or in a situation of vulnerability in particular and equal opportunities in general.
You can download the results here:
IO2. Practical Resource Guide to define Non-Formal Learning Spaces (NFES).
You can download the results here:

A set of Practical Resources will be developed for generation of NFES activities in educational centers and others non-formal learning spaces. They will include models of 3 NFES to promote the inclusion and equal opportunities of the girls and boys of school age and/or who belong to groups in situation of vulnerability through the game and activities of inclusive leisure that will be developed in said spaces, including a set of easy-to-use games in these environments.
The definition of these models will follow the community participatory methodology, which involves in the process creation of NFES to everyone, including recipients (children and teenagers).
The innovative element of this product is that the final beneficiaries themselves will be the ones who propose the initiatives from which the space model will emerge non-formal inclusive and will become the main protagonists of their own community, being able to put practice the skills and abilities acquired throughout the process of co-design and implementation of the spaces created through innovative participatory methodologies.
IO3. Guide for curricular integration: the role of the "mediator" in the Non-Formal Learning Spaces.
You can download the results here:
Non-formal education spaces in regulated education centers are not directed. The whole game is spontaneous and autosuggested. Boys and girls are not able to transcend in said spaces, to the need of a person to being part of the game and socializing with it. That is why children with greater support needs tend to stay segregated in these spaces, generating a rejection by from the rest of the children. These actions cannot be mediated by the team of teachers, since their role is found in other spaces, also they are not agents of inclusion in the courtyards. There are other figures closer to children than if they are in-game reference. In many cases they are older children or even a child who takes over a spontaneous leadership.
The IO3 seeks to to train figures that can mediate significantly in the playgrounds, being able to lead the game to more inclusive points, thus improving the acceptance of all children from the Informal education.
IO4. Inc-Leisure Quality Label: Self-assessment guide for inclusive non-formal learning spaces, activities and resources.
You can download the results here:
On December 13thf of 2006, the General Assembly of the The United Nations approved the Convention on the Rights of People with disabilities. The signed Convention does not establish new rights; clarifies and collects, finally, explicitly that the right to education is the right to inclusive and quality education.
In its article 23 it establishes the right of the children with disabilities to have effective access to education and training in order to achieve their individual development and their social inclusion; Art. Number 28 establishes the rights of the child to education, a right that must be exercised in conditions of equality. And number 29 stipulates that the child's education must be aimed at developing their personality, their aptitudes and their mental and physical capacity to the maximum of their possibilities.
Yet, we actually find that many schools both public and private do not know how to define an inclusive center. They are not able to understand the meaning and implication of its meaning, and with it, they are not capable of providing action that define that your center is an inclusive center. For this it is intend to create about 30 references or actions to convert a center into an inclusive center and recognize this center with a distinctive evidence they took or will take action towards inclusiveness.