Asociación Amicos
It is a non-profit entity, founded in 2010, whose mission is to provide service and support to ensure that each person with intellectual disability, autism, palsy-brain damage and their families can develop their life project, with the aim of achieving their inclusion as a full-fledged citizen in a fair and supportive society.
Among its founding purposes are to promote actions, support and resources that facilitate the training and labor integration of people with intellectual disabilities, autism, paralysis-brain damage, promote and encourage volunteering, both national and European, with the aim of promoting work, teamwork and solidarity, and spread the culture of European unity, in order to create ties that bring us closer to the different European cultures and the different problems and realities of people with disabilities throughout Europe. To this end, it develops educational activities, psychomotricity and rehabilitation, occupational workshops, social inclusion activities through leisure and sports, musical therapy… through its structure in 4 areas: Educational (under 21 years of age), People (over 21 years of 21 years old), Companies (guidance and job placement), and Transformation (innovation projects).
Education is a Special Education Center (CEEPR), which currently cares for 28 students. The technical team in charge of the area is made up of a multidisciplinary group made up of 8 special education teachers, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a social worker, and 5 support technicians.

The Associação Grão Vasco is a fledgling association, founded in October 2015. It was born from the desire of the educational community of the Grão Vasco School Grouping to find solutions for the social problems of that same community.
This is necessary because the institution we call School is in fact surrounded by a permeable membrane, through which problems may enter, but which also allows the solutions for those very problems to pass through with equal force.
The Agrupamento de Escolas Grão Vasco is a group of schools made up of 15 separate educational establishments, situated in the centre and outskirts of the city of Viseu, and attended by 2569 children and young people with age groups ranging from pre-school to Year 9 (3 to 16 years of age), with serious social problems and 212 children with special needs. The grouping is home to Special Schools for the visually impaired, for bi-lingual education and for early years intervention and a Learning Resource Centre which provides support for students with autism spectrum disorder. The grouping also has an Education and Training Course for older students with behavioural and motivational problems and long term educational underachievment.
The principles of equality, autonomy and social responsability are at the very heart of our educational ethos and have been at the centre of various projects we have developed over the years.
And promoting social inclusion and community integration, developing individual autonomy and strengthening dialogue, interculturality and education throughout life, supporting families and sharing knowledge are some of our objectives.
Of all the work we carry out with our students with disabilties, we would like to highlight the individual support provided for skills development by teachers, psychologists and therapists, the training and support offered to families, the “Asas nos Pés” Inclusive Dance Group, swimming lessons … and much more.
We are on a journey, facing the challenge of breaking down differences, demistifying limitations and promoting genuinly equal opportunities!

Primary School with Resource centre Dr Zlatan Sremec
Primary School with Resource centre Dr Zlatan Sremec is a community of learners including students, parents and staff who are dedicated to creating safe, empathetic, supportive community for students with a diverse range of learning needs in inclusive learning environment.
Together, we empower students by unlocking and removing obstacles to learning so that each child can experience personal growth and academic achievement.
Small class sizes allow the experienced staff to create a positive learning environment that builds on the strengths and unique learning styles of each student while supporting their social and emotional needs. A wide variety of extra-curricular activities, sports and clubs are offered.
We offer a holistic approach to learning that caters to learners’ learning difficulties and aims to offer support and use research-supported methodologies that help children become independent and acquire essential academic and daily living skills.
PSRC Dr Zlatan Sremec is home to children between the ages of 6-18 years who have various learning and neurodevelopment disabilities, not limited to Autism, Speech and Language Delays, Sensory Processing Disorders, Down Syndrome, and ADHD. Our goal is to produce a learner who can function in the world with as little support as possible having gained functional knowledge for use in everyday life.
Our mission is to promote high-quality education and enable students to reach and expand their potential in a safe and inclusive environment that acknowledges diversity and individual interests affording equal opportunity to all. We aim to encourage independence, respect for self and environment and responsibility through a holistic and well-rounded curriculum that nurtures emotional, social, cognitive, and physical growth..
We are a progressive alternative school that uses some Montessori principals in learning and teaching. Our curriculum uses the Ministry of Education of N. Macedonia guidelines as our skeleton, allowing the students to dive deeply into the areas of interest and strength. Each student follows their own programming, in that we tailor the speed and manner of teaching to the individual.
PSRC Dr Zlatan Sremec provides services to around 60 students with learning difficulties and complex needs who come from mainstream schools, also provides 200 teaching assistants in 70 schools in the northwestern region in our country.
Through coaching, collaboration and building professional learning communities, we offer staff professional development training to build teachers capacity to improve instructional practices and to accelerate student achievement.
Finally, we support a community schools approach that organizes and maximizes resources from the school and community based partnerships to ensure every student thrives and to support student success in alignment with the school priorities.
PSRC «Dr. Zlatan Sremec» – Skopje is a leader and an example of good practice among schools with a resource centres in the region making a difference in the quality of education for students with special needs in inclusive education.

Asociación Babilón

Since its foundation in the year 2000, Asociación Babilón has devoted its efforts to improve the quality of life and social inclusion of people in a situation or at risk of social exclusion. It maintains employment and training programs with groups at risk of social exclusion and with people with disabilities. The organization carries out SOCIAL INCLUSION PROGRAMS in EDUCATIONAL CONTEXST with people in need of education and training. Babilon offers Regulated Professional Training: we have extensive experience in developing specific programs for youngsters up to 16 years of age. Babilon´s staff is trained in collaborative learning and non-formal education applied to inclusion spaces. Its experience in the inclusion of people in leisure spaces has led Babilon to present their good practices in different congresses and presentations. The organization itself has different Basic Vocational Training programs, where non-formal spaces are used as a tool for acquiring soft interpersonal skills.
We are experts in TRAINING and INCLUSIVE EMPLOYMENT, with special emphasis on online learning for people with special support needs. Within this framework, we have been implementing the IMPULSA program, based on the development of personalized training and employment itineraries, focusing on the areas in which each participant shows potential with the greatest need for support: basic skills, behavioural skills, digital skills and job orientation. The purpose of this program is to facilitate the access to an employment to its participants. To guarantee success, we use the Supported Employment tool, which allows us to be with the person in the job, as long as necessary, to ensure its adaptation in all its facets