PROJECT MULTIPLIER EVENTS – «Construindo Boas Prácticas Inclusivas en Espazos de Educación Non Formal»

Between September and December 2023, Amicos held several events to disseminate the results of the project. The aim was to reach education professionals, families and other people interested in the support and inclusion of children with disabilities.

In September, the I Xornadas Formativas «Construindo Boas Prácticas Inclusivas en Espazos de Educación Non Formal» were held, aimed at teachers, where the results of the project were presented and practical workshops were held for the evaluation of non-formal inclusive learning spaces.



With the institutional presence of Cristina Pichel (General Director of Youth Participation and Volunteering, Xunta de Galicia), the Councillor of Education of the City Council of Boiro, Carmen Silva, the expert in Dynamic Courtyards, Gay Lagar, and the Director of Amicos, Xoán España.

In addition, as part of the dissemination activities, the open days of the CEEPR Amicos, in Ribeira on October 6, and of the CAI of Amicos on October 10, in Comoxo, brought the results of the project closer to families.




Finally, the annual festival for inclusion Festirititi, on December 1, in which demonstrations of inclusive play were carried out in a festive general atmosphere in which schools from all over the region were invited, and institutional representatives such as the Xunta de Galicia also took part: A Xunta participa no festival inclusivo Festirititi de Amicos – Xunta de Galicia.

In total, more than 100 people were directly informed about the project, about the practical results downloadable on the website, and actively participated in the practice of inclusive non-formal education activities.


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