Check through our guides for getting the first steps towards inclusive non-formal learning in your school or playground… or birthday party!

  • Check the space: how many different motivational areas do you count on? active, semi-active, creativity and contact with nature? Check guide IO1 for details on which kind of activities can be done in each area.
  • Check the players: who is playing in your playground? what specific motivations do they bring to the playground? which specific needs do they require? Check guide IO1 to detect «targets» (students who may have trouble to play with others, for diverse reasons). Find patterns of behaviour that could be alerts. Then analyze your groups of students, to identify what could be more important for your given school or activity.
    • how many prefer active play?
    • how many like and need more calm activities? artistic expression?
    • are there disturbing noises around? are there other sensory disturbances that can be limiting to some players?
  • Check your resources: what do you already have (human resources, volunteers, grass, trees, water, sand area, football court)? Check guide IO3 for the «mediator role» requisites. What it is expected from them, who can play that role in the playground.
  • Design a plan of adapted games for one day to practice. Check Guide IO2 for inspiration and examples. The key is about facilitating comprehension and getting the most from the abilities of kids. Provide clear instructions, provide all materials required, explain and solve doubts, and play with them!
  • Design a plan for interventions in your playground to promote more autonomous inclusive attitudes. Check Guide IO4 for a self-assesment on the overall planing for accesibility and inclusivity in diverse spaces (libraries, playgrounds). You may also use a tool like our proposed very simple matrix to start making decisions.

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