An education system includes all students, and welcomes and supports them to learn, whoever they are and whatever their abilities or requirements. This means making sure that teaching and the curriculum, school buildings, classrooms, play areas, transport and toilets are appropriate for all children at all levels.
The process of inclusion has been going on continuously in the Republic of North Macedonia for the last two decades. According to Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Convention, «Member States must ensure the realization of the right to education of persons with disabilities through a system of inclusive education at all levels, including pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary education, professional training and lifelong learning, extracurricular and social activities, for all students, including people with disabilities, without discrimination and on an equal basis with others. Our country, N.Macedonia ratified this convention in 2011. According to the new Law on Primary Education, N,Macedonia has complete inclusion of students with special needs in regular schools.The current ‘Special schools’ are transformed into resource centers like OURC”D-r Zlatan Sremec”-Skopje, which provide teaching assistants- professional support to students with disabilities, teaching staff, professional associates, parents i.e. guardians and the inclusion team of other primary schools.
Inclusive education means all children learn together in the same schools. No-one should be excluded. It improves learning for all children – both those with and without disabilities, it promotes understanding, reduces prejudice and strengthens social integration and it ensures that children with disabilities are equipped to work and contribute economically and socially to their communities.
Educational systems exist to promote formal learning, which follows a syllabus and is intentional in the sense that learning is the goal of all the activities learners engage in. Non-formal learning takes place outside formal learning environments but within some kind of organizational framework. Also it takes place in community settings: swimming classes for small children, sports clubs of various kinds for all ages, reading groups, debating societies, amateur choirs and orchestras, and so on. Informal learning is involuntary and an inescapable part of daily life; for that reason, it is called experiential learning.
OURC”D-r Zlatan Sremec”-Skopje has developed program for extracurricular activities that provide active participation of all of the students which includes different workshops, visits etc. As a partner in this project “INC-Leisure” OURC”D-r Zlatan Sremec”-Skopje , through the exchange of experiences and the sharing of good practices, to promote the inclusion of children with functional diversity in non-formal spaces.
As we understand the importance of non-formal learning spaces we will contribute by promoting and improving the inclusion of school-age children in non-formal spaces, by developing different social and communicational skills.
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